氏名 郷原るみ
ローマ字 Rumi Gohara
専門分野 タンパク質化学・タンパク質工学・溶液化学
キーワード 細胞骨格・中間径フィラメント・タンパク質リン酸化酵素・溶液化学
研究テーマ 中間径フィラメントタンパク質の機構解析
主要論文 Phosphorylation of vimentin head domain inhibits interaction with the carboxyl-terminal end of alpha-helical rod domain studied by surface plasmon resonance measurements. FEBS Lett.489(2001)p.p.182-186
Expression and the Role of the α-Helical Domains pf Subunit Proteins in Assebly of the Intermediate Filaments, (2000)「Peptide Science 1999」, ed .by Fujii,N.,The Japanese Peptide Society, PP.255-258
Structure-Function Relationship of α-Helical Subdomain Involved in Vimentin Filament Assembly, (2001)「Peptide Science 2000, ed .by Shioiri,T.,The Japanese Peptide Society, PP.407-410
Competence of Vimentin Mutants Having Deletion or Amino Acid Substitutions to Assembly into Intermediate Filaments, (2002)「Peptide Science 2001」, ed .by Aoyagi,H.,The Japanese Peptide Society, PP.131-134
参考論文 Ultrasonic Relaxations in Aqueous Solutions of Piperidine and Pyrrolidine. Bulletin
Measurement of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Activity Using as Substrates synthetic Phosphotyrosine-containing Peptides, Research Communications in Biochemistry,Cell & Molecular Biology. 5(2001)p.p.75-84
連絡先 0952-34-2406(実験室)・0952-34-2418(事務室)